Happy birthday, Annette! 

Our firstborn has turned 12! A major milestone and just one step away from teenagehood 😱

Looking back, I’m amazed at how she’s grown – physically, mentally and emotionally. She certainly has the same clearheadedness and determination she already displayed as a toddler. But here living in our home was no longer the dorky and awkward child but a confident young lady.

She has also become very independent. So much so I’ve begun to realize+worry that I will become rather redundant sooner than I’m ready to be 🙂 So I’m going to start to have to reinvent myself: from mum-caregiver to mum-confidant-buddy. And I hope and pray she will continue to make sensible choices in her life and turn to the family every time she’s unsure if her choices are indeed sensible.

Annette was born on our 3rd wedding anniversary – God’s very precious gift to us. On our 10th wedding anniversary 5 years ago, we wanted to have a meaningful celebration and decided to ask our guests to make a donation to a specific charity instead of giving us gifts. We asked Annette to do the same for her 7th birthday, taking the opportunity to explain the concept of giving and helping others. We didn’t know if she really understood, but she seemed to like the idea and readily agreed.

This year, she asked to plan her own 12th birthday party. We said okay. I asked if she would do the same as for her 7th birthday since there was a fundraiser for Methodist Schools’ Foundation for MGS happening at this time. She immediately said yes and went about asking her friends for ang pows in lieu of presents which she would then donate in full.

Just to be sure she would really be happy with her decision, I reminded her that she was a little disappointed upon getting home after her 7th birthday celebration and realizing there were no presents to be opened. Her response put to rest any other concerns I had: “You know, Mum, I didn’t really have any friends in P1, and yet I managed to have a fun and memorable 7th birthday celebration!”

She really did understand 🙂

My dear daughter, you are indeed a lot stronger and more resilient than we are ready to give you credit for 🙂 You had a rough start to primary school. Your first class partners were girls who said mean things to you. Your best friend turned out to be quite self-centered. Yet, you don’t bear any grudges and you’ve risen above all of this. You tell me that one of the  girls who said mean things to you previously is now very nice to you and considers you a good friend. You don’t see any reason to reject her friendship. You don’t dwell on your awkward start to P1 but instead celebrate the memorable birthday celebration and other nice moments you had.

We are so very proud of you, dear daughter. And we pray you will continue to find happiness and fulfillment in all that you do 🙏🏻

And we are so thankful that this act of giving has turned out to be immensely rewarding for Annette and for us 🙏🏻